Pre-school, Aftercare, Nursery School, Crèche as well as Pre-primary. In preparation for a child’s future we believe it is important to have some form of pre-school education. Learning starts at a very young age and exposure to other children in an organized learning environment. Therefore assisting in the development of a child. This can be a great foundation for a child to mature and grow into a competent adult.

Looking for a Preschool or aftercare/daycare center? Trying to find a nursery school? Find a Crèche or an Early Childhood Development Centre.

Welcome to Pre Schools And –

Preschool – adjective – relating to the time before a child is old enough to go to school.
“a preschool playgroup”
Nursery School – noun – a school for young children, mainly between the ages of three and five.
“noun a nursery school”.
Preschool and Aftercare are words that first started been used in the English language during the early 1900’s.
noun: crèche; plural noun: crèches
a nursery where babies and young children are cared for during the working day.

Preprimary education is defined as the initial stage of organised instruction, designed primarily to introduce very young children to a school-type environment, that is, to provide a bridge between home as well as a school-based atmosphere.

Early Childhood Development Centre

To establish or operate an ECD facility  the facility must be:

  • registered with the provincial government where the facility is situated
  • managed and maintained according to the Guidelines for Early Childhood Development Centres
  • in compliance with the following national norms and standards:
    • a safe environment for children
    • proper care for sick children or children that become ill
    • adequate space and ventilation
    • safe drinking water
    • hygienic and equipped with toilet facilities
    • safe storage of anything that may be harmful to children
    • access to refuse disposal services or other adequate means of disposal of refuse generated at the facility
    • a hygienic area for the preparation of food for children
    • measures for the separation of children of different age groups
    • the drawing up of action plans for emergencies, and
    • the drawing up of policies and procedures regarding health care at the facility.

Core Developmental Areas

  1. Cognitive & Perceptual Development
  2. Social & Emotional Development
  3. Physical Development

Auxiliary Learning Areas

  1. Language & Literacy (Home Language)
  2. Language & Literacy (Additional Languages)
  3. Numeracy
  4. Knowledge & Skills
  5. Creative Arts


  • noun
    (in Britain and Australia) an establishment where children below the age of compulsory education play and learn; a nursery school.
  • (in North America) a class or school that prepares children, usually five- or six-year-old, for the first year of formal education.

Early Childhood Development Centre

(Crèches) is a facility that provides learning and support appropriate to the child’s developmental age and stage.
Finding the best option for your child takes time and research. We have a growing list of Preschools Aftercare and Nursery schools available in South Africa. Need to locate Daycare facility for your child.

The South African government has since 1994 prioritized early childhood development (ECD) as an integral part of addressing the legacy of apartheid education policies. ECD has been recognized as one of the most powerful tools of breaking the inter-generational cycle of poverty in South Africa.

Evidence based research conducted on ECD demonstrates that children who participate in well-conceived early childhood development programs (Preschool Aftercare Nursery School Crèche Pre-primary) tend to be more successful in school. The evidence gathered demonstrates children are also more competent socially and emotionally, and show higher verbal and intellectual development during early childhood than children who are not enrolled in high quality programs. Ensuring healthy child development, therefore, is an investment in a country’s future workforce and capacity to thrive economically and as a society.

Our world has changed and research shows that children need more than the traditional 3 Rs (reading, writing and arithmetic) to prepare for future 21st century careers. Globalisation means that children need to prepare academically for an increasingly competitive global landscape and at the same time learn to collaborate with others from all over the world. Technology has changed our access to information and knowledge. Children now need the skills to be able to sort, analyse and understand vast amounts of data. A dynamic world economy requires creativity and innovation. So how do we prepare children for tomorrow’s knowledge-based, highly competitive, highly innovative careers in an increasingly complex and globalised world?

Birth to Four Years

This period in a child’s life is generally characterised and described by the strands or domains relating to physical, emotional, cognitive, language and social development. What children do and are expected to do at different stages of growth within the above domains/strands can be used to characterise, understand and assess their growth and development.

Most children move through similar stages of development, but not all children do this at the same pace.

Each child is unique and different not only in their appearance, but also in how they develop and grow.


Department of Social Services

According to the Department of Social Services regulations on day care facilities, staff members must be in the age range of 18-60 years old. Additionally, medical clearance is required for any staff member to be eligible to work in a childcare facility regardless of their position. The Department of Social Services requires all staff members to be trained and skilled in first aide.  It is required by social services that staff be “knowledgeable as well as respectful of culture of children.” There are ratios given by the Department of Social Services that require a teacher per number of children within an age group. For children 0-18 months there must be 1 teacher for every 6 children.

Preschool Aftercare Nursery School Crèche Pre-primary

Preschool Aftercare Nursery School Crèche Pre-primary
Preschool Aftercare Nursery School Crèche Pre-primary

Pre-Schools And Aftercare