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Swartland Pre-Prim. Is A Pre-Primary School Specialising In Early Childhood Basic Education. Swartland Pre-Prim. Is Found In The District Of West Coast. Swartland Pre-Prim. Is A Independent School. Address Is Malmesbury, Malmesbury And Postal Address Is Posbus 343 Malmesbury, 7299. Contact Numbers Supplied Are (+27) 0224823140 And Cell (+27) 0829749969. Swartland Pre-Prim. Is Located In The Western Cape.

Swartland Pre-Primêr is ‘n onafhanklike Pre-Primêre skool. Graad R kleuters se kurrikulum en werkskedule word deur die Wes-Kaap Onderwysdepartement (WKOD) voorgeskryf. Pre-Graad R (vanaf 3jaar) word ook aangebied

To provide education to all learners irrespective of race, language or culture
To provide education on grounds of Christian principals – but to also allow religious freedom so that every learner can live his or her religion and culture
To let every child develop his or her personality
To create a happy and safe environment for learning within the bounds of teamwork and discipline
To strive to get every pupil school ready on emotional and academic level
To allow our teachers to develop and participate in workshops in order to be the best they can be in conjunction with the parents and the community.
Swartland Pre-Primêr se visie is: Om aan elke kleuter gedurende sy/haar jaar by ons die nodige voorbereiding vir skool te bied, maar tegelykertyd die ruimte en veiligheid van kindwees te benadruk.

By Swartland Pre-Primêre skool wil ons graag saam met u as ouers werk om u kind se volle potensiaal te ontwikkel en te ontgin. Liefdevolle dissipline skep sekuriteit en positiewe motivering help dat leerders hulle takies en werk doelgerig uitvoer. Ons onderwysers is ervare en ten volle gekwalifiseerd om Graad R en Pre-Graad R aan te bied. Die vordering van leerders word op ‘n daaglikse basis dmv noukeurige assessering gedoen.

This facility is only for enrolled learners at our school and Grade 1 pupils who were previously pupils in our school. Aftercare times are from after school until 17:30. No food is provided so parents must please pack a separate lunch box for aftercare. Aftercare is open during school holidays from 7:15 – 17:30. Public holidays: closed.

The following subjects are offered in the foundation phase: Home language, mathematics and life skills.
Each of our three classrooms has their own “life-size” dollhouse fully equipped for absolute fun. Your child’s classroom will be spacious with tables and cha...

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