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Edukidz Pre-School is an establishment that is privately owned and managed by an experienced and qualified teacher. Edukidz offers a safe, nurturing and structured learning environment that is beneficial to the early development of children. The owner herself is part of an all-teacher family, where many discussions about education take place after hours. It could be said that to educate is a calling, and this passion for education is the cornerstone of the Edukidz name.

Unlike a Creche, or Daycare, Edukidz learning centres offer a structured education program for young children to enable children to progress easily into Grade R. A daily routine and curriculum is well established. The curriculum is determined by the South African Constitution. We make use of a variety of programs resulting in a broad-based education. Age-appropriate lessons have been worked out and we are therefore able to offer a formal comprehensive pre-school program. The three subjects we teach include English, Maths, and Life Skills. Our curriculum is designed to cater for the social, emotional, physical, intellectual, and aesthetic development of children. Each child is encouraged to participate in fun, interactive activities such that they get an equal opportunity to develop their abilities. We focus on quality of education and achieve this through a smaller intake and close mentoring and supervision.

Principal: Mrs Thomson
Phone: 063 241 1430
Address: 21 Heather Road, Athlone Park, Amanzimtoti, 4126 (Across the N2 from Umbogintwini Primary)

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